

In today’s present climate where there have been cut backs in road building causing massive problems with traffic congestion and the pollution that goes with it.

The proposals to close motorway junctions etc when the motorway system is severely congested. This radio station will warn drivers of all impending problems such as which junctions are closing so that motorists can take alternative routes on and off the motorway.

The station will bring top quality traffic and travel news to the masses, far in advance of anything offered on British radio or any other source today, at a very low cost to everyone.

We have already received many letters of support for such a radio station from many of the UK’s Police forces, AA, RAC, Metro Networks, Road Haulage Association, Freight Transport Association, Greenpeace and many others.

We have also had features on the station published in Commercial Motor, Truck & Driver and Truck Stop Magazines.

A petition of over 5000 signatures and many more letters was received by the Radio Authority in favour of this new station.

When the public was petitioned 97%, were an favour and asked to sign it – many stated it was long overdue.

Similar Radio stations exist an some European Countries and several states in America and are very much appreciated by the drivers using their services.

Several MPs are in favour of the station and some have helped in our campaign for the station.

We in the UK need a variety of radio stations offering a variety of services not a variety of radio stations all offering virtually the same service.

– The UK needs a specialised national radio station aimed at the motorist.
– Traffic updates every 15 minutes, 24 hrs a day, every day.
– Traffic information from several sources – AA Roadwatch. RAC Travel news, Police, Highway Agency and listeners.
– Coast to Coast will always look for new and better ways of gathering information.
– Urgent traffic news and adverse weather conditions on air immediately, and full weather reports throughout the day.
– Traffic information from several sources – AA Roadwatch. RAC Travel news, Police, Highway Agency and listeners.
– Coast to Coast will always look for new and better ways of gathering information.
– Urgent traffic news and adverse weather conditions on air immediately, and full weather reports throughout the day.
– Traffic information on lane closures in major roadworks, Contraflows etc.
Information on wide and slow moving loads.
– Anyone starting a journey will have a full update within 15 minutes, if they haven’t tuned in before leaving.
– On Bank Holidays when there is virtually no information available. Coast to Coast will have the telephone lines open to the traveller so that information can be passed both ways.
– Coast to Coast will broadcast far more information than is on display on the new motorway management Matrix signs.
– Coast to Coast should help the environment by reducing fuel consumption by helping keep traffic moving so improving exhaust pollution.
– Coast to Coast traffic and travel reports will surpass any information broadcast by any other national radio station and with accurate on time information.
– The station will play the best music from the 5O’s to date. This will make travelling as pleasant as possible and help prevent road rage as traffic jams should be helped considerably.
– The difference between this station and all the rest is that traffic and travel news will be the priority with music filling in, along with many other features.
Coast to Coast will help traffic accidents to the minimum ie road safety tips.
– In today’s present climate where there have been cut backs in road building causing massive problems with traffic congestion and the pollution that goes with it. The proposals to close motorway junctions etc when the motorway system is severely congested. This radio station will warn drivers of all impending problems such as which junctions are closing so that motorists can take alternative routes on and off the motorway.
– The station will bring top quality traffic and travel news to the masses, far in advance of anything offered on British radio or any other source today, at a very low cost to everyone.
– We have already received many letters of support for such a radio station from many of the UK’s Police forces, AA, RAC, Metro Networks, Road Haulage Association, Freight Transport Association, Greenpeace and many others.
– We have also had features on the station published in Commercial Motor, Truck & Driver and Truck Stop Magazines.
– A petition of over 5000 signatures and many more letters was received by the Radio Authority in favour of this new station.
– When the public was petitioned 97%, were an favour and asked to sign it – many stated it was long overdue.
– Similar Radio stations exist an some European Countries and several states in America and are very much appreciated by the drivers using their services.
– Several MPs are in favour of the station and some have helped in our campaign for the station.

We in the UK need a variety of radio stations offering a variety of services not a variety of radio stations all offering virtually the same service.